Sunday, December 14, 2008

Salt Dough Ornaments ?? LETS HAVE A PARTY!!!

I love parties!!!
and making Ornaments is a perfect reason to have one....don't you think? so we did .Izabel and I invited some of our friends and made some yummy treats and presto!!! partayyyy time!

teach your parents well......

advent has always been a special time , being Catholic there is a wonderful plan laid out and its always been such a special part of my life, BUT now its more special then ever! having children has made it amazing, Davin and I are discovering
not only how to celebrate with the kids but they are teaching us what the true meaning of Christmas is ! we feel so blessed especailly when we try to supress our giggles as 23 month old Dillon shouts Aaahhh-Men!!!! at the end of prayers!

3 sundays left till Christmas and the advent wreath is a source of joy and that is GREAT by US !!! the kids love lighting the candles and saying prayers Izzy wants me to say them in latin which is funny to her and as I say them she then wants to know what I have said ....LOL I do both languages pleases all :)


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Autumn Leaves of Red and Gold

To soon the year is ending,

But I LOVE fall with all my heart. I picture Heaven having fall colors leaves and apples and the smell of burning wood , long paths with crunchy leaves under foot, and the song of children laughing as they jump into big piles of leaves .

Anyone who knows me knows of my over the top excitement at the thought of carmel apples and creatures of the night at my door screaming "TRICK OR TREAT"!!!!!!!!

So with the new house I am losing what was left of my mommy mind and bringing back the FESMIRE HALLOWEEN BALL !!!! its been a couple of years since our last one and this one might be the best yet !!! there will be lots of pictures taken next saturday night !!

but preparing seems to be just as fun!!

Izabel and I started early this year, spider webs,lights,gargoles.

and a trip with our best buds to Anderson Farm in Erie Colorado was part of the game plan! here are some pictures of all of us in action .


Monday, October 13, 2008

sams spy birthday party at BOONDOCKS

bathtime is the right time for Funnnnnnnnnnnn

Colorado sunsets,from our deck

I have been in love with the sun all mylife. as a child I loved winter sunsets the best especially after a snowy day the sky was so pretty purple and blue , hmm ironically the same color as my appendages after a day in the snow :)

in my teens I came to love the Summer sunsets , mainly the days at the beach after we had bathed in the waves of the Ocean and basked in The rays of the Sun , a end of day BBQ or bonfire was backdropped by the pretty pinks and foam greens and powdery blues of a sunset fit for a cherub.

Not till I was in my 20's did I even come to know what a true sunrise was, interning at my first radio job meant waking at 3:30am ungodly to most humans but the opertunity was great and the view from the 13th floor of the prudential tower in Boston the sunrise was breath taking!

super BRIGHT! with all the power of a Spotlight from Heaven shining on you on your stage of life as if GOD calls out " ENTER STAGE RIGHT" and you go into your scene for one more day.....

then life changed ...California-Texas-Oklahoma-Arizona-Indiana-Maryland-Colorado

all had a different feel but also a different sunset and sunrise.

These days there are NO shortages of Ooooowwwsohhhhs and Awwws when it comes to our new Home in Colorado, at my job I sit in awe of our view from the 7th floor studios that face west and the whole front range of Rocky moutains the sun rises against them making them tangerine and golden in the early morning in fall and winter but in spring and summer you are faced with the

line from America the beautiful....."For Purple Mountains Majesty"

I am humbled by the beauty of our adopted state and the overwhelming feeling that we are closer to Heaven with every sunset we witness .....

Wednesday, August 6, 2008



and to my dismay she went...and I cried ...she loves it ....and I sigh..............