Wednesday, August 12, 2009


my stomach is a giant knot, and my head is a mish mash of images and quick ideas that come and go faster then a stock market ticker tape,

waiting for a job is Hell BUT now with news of everything coming together quickly and with a fury, I find myself in a new Hell , its one I have been in many times in the last 14 years. AND in a new manner NEVER before.

When this offer is made to us WE will embark on a journey like no Other ever.

my life is to change very quickly and very drastically in the next 2 months.

New Home , New Job, New State, BUT also my private life will be very different I will be very busy. BUT no more taking myself for granted. I will be "ON" as they say .

I know GOD waited a LONG time to give me this.

at 16 I turned to my mom as I was drying dishes one day...and I was talking about what I wanted to have when I was NO longer POOR as I put it LOL

I was sick of trift shop jeans and hippie purses I wanted to be free of the POOR guilt.

funny the way things go, I love to go thrift shopping now LOL

BUT when your young you want new things and its important to fit in .

I am blessed even then when things were financially stressful MY mom made it look like we were doing great! she has taught me how to be humble and how to appreciate the wonders of GOD

and so as I sit and ponder what is around our corner next . I am scared that this might be the gift finally that I asked for many years ago while drying dishes.

and think of the old adage...."Be careful what you ask for"

I hope its all we need and that its where we NEED to be.

more to come............................................