Sunday, October 19, 2008

Autumn Leaves of Red and Gold

To soon the year is ending,

But I LOVE fall with all my heart. I picture Heaven having fall colors leaves and apples and the smell of burning wood , long paths with crunchy leaves under foot, and the song of children laughing as they jump into big piles of leaves .

Anyone who knows me knows of my over the top excitement at the thought of carmel apples and creatures of the night at my door screaming "TRICK OR TREAT"!!!!!!!!

So with the new house I am losing what was left of my mommy mind and bringing back the FESMIRE HALLOWEEN BALL !!!! its been a couple of years since our last one and this one might be the best yet !!! there will be lots of pictures taken next saturday night !!

but preparing seems to be just as fun!!

Izabel and I started early this year, spider webs,lights,gargoles.

and a trip with our best buds to Anderson Farm in Erie Colorado was part of the game plan! here are some pictures of all of us in action .