walking my son Dillon to the bus stop this morning I stopped and had him close his eyes and take a deep breath, his sweet little face tilted up at the sun as we took deep breathes of the lite scent of fall in the air , the temp was cool this morning and the day has been windy ,which not only can you smell the leaves that have begun their new transition into bright shades of yellow and red and orange But also the cool fresh scent of the ocean 2 blocks away on our Island of Aquidneck .
we will be able to see this view even better from my master bath when the fall leaves are gone ! this is the view from the main road
we stood for a minute or two talking about the change in the air and we both agree that its time to start getting serious on the matter of Halloween, its a very serious matter in our family and I am the mistress of holiday , I have been the catalyst in the love of the holiday, Now that the kids are older and have their own ideas and costume choices Its even more exciting for me,
the house is pretty much together , and its always a struggle to feel good about New surroundings and look at all your old stuff , wouldn't i be amazing to be able to buy all new everything to go with the new move ........yes well thats not an option , at least not a a smart financial one anyway. But one thing that can be done is repaint repost redesign , and that can be SO FUN, and not expensive at all !
as with every holiday , I never decorate at the last minute ...... Im the LEAD up to the day kinda gal , that means the month leading up to the actual holiday is the "set up" time ......kind of like an appetizer before a meal , I like to have a lead to the holiday ...adding small additions here and there ....maybe a wreath will go up ....mums at the front door.....and all around the house small cute Halloweeny additions .......my favorite time of year will last until its time to prepare for winter and the big holidays .